Maintain ultimate accountability with your fitness goals using our in-house Body Composition Analysis Scanner. Book online using the calendar below.
How It InBody Technology Works
Our scanner provides you all the relevant information that you require to precisely measure your body composition, on an ongoing basis. Our scans use 15 impedance measurements, and 3 different frequencies to measure the 5 segments of your body. This provides over 40 parameters relevant and specific to body composition. Regularly keep up to date and monitor your body's levels of body fat, lean muscle mass, and muscular development. Better understand how changes in your diet, lifestyle and training regime could be influencing your overall body composition. All body composition analysis scans are conducted on-site at Fast Twitch gym in Adelaide. Our scanner provides an in-depth look and report of your body’s measurement from inside to out.
What Is Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis is a method of quantifying body composition by introducing an electrical current throughout the body. Impedance can be calculated by measuring current and voltage, based on Ohm’s Law (R=V/I). Safe electrical current that measure resistance, in Ohm’s, can be referred to as impedance. As Ohm’s increase, the impedance decreases.
Since water is considered as the only component in the body with electrical conductivity, when the electrical current passes through the body, the impedance of its water can be measured. With this impedance value, the volume of body water is calculated. The body gets analysed in 5 cylinders - left and right arm/ leg and trunk, which is the largest yet shortest cylinder.
Parameters Tested
Total Skeletal Muscle Mass
Visceral Fat Levels
Total Body Fat In Kilograms
Total Body Water
Segmental Muscle & Fat Analysis
Bone Mineral Content
Segmental Lean Analysis
Basal Metabolic Rate
What Is InBody?
The InBody technology precisely measures the impedance (resistance to alternating electric currents) of the body as 5 separate cylinders ( 2 arms, 2 legs and trunk / torso).
This latest measurement concept, measures the resistance of the cross point of two flows and takes the resistance values of each segment (arms, legs and trunk / torso).
It is important that the trunk or torso is directly measured as it is occupied by various internal organs and its metabolic characteristics are different to other parts of the body and therefore has very low resistance in comparison to the limbs.
The InBody technology is of high precision due to the simultaneous use of a set of high and low frequencies. Multi-frequencies allow the measurement of total body water (both intra- and extra-cellular water).
How is Fat Free Mass Calculated?
Fat free mass includes everything in your body except fat. This means, muscle, bones, organs, fluids etc. By exercising regularly and eating a health balanced diet, it is possible to achieve and maintain a desirable ratio of fat to fat-free. Fat free mass is what is left when body fat is taken out from body weight. Fat free mass is composed of water, protein and minerals of your body weight. Protein is the main component of muscle and the amount of protein in your body determines your basal metabolic rate (BMR). Therefore, the more you increase your body's muscle, the more efficient your body becomes at consuming energy. By increasing muscle mass, your basal metabolic rate (BMR) increases, which means you can consumer more calories...
Fat free mass readings contains the most body water as it is made up of about 73% water. This, the more body fat a body possess, the less body water it contains. To understand how many calorie your body needs to maintain its current weight use our online calorie calculator.